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hi back at you=) hehe goht suuuper dir au?
Fr 25.8.06, 13:57
hi zäme! odr in dene kreis: hi at all =D how are you?
Mi 23.8.06, 16:26
yeah alright true...but u know napoleon could have done it in three so theres room for improvement huh:p
So 13.8.06, 16:47
oh c'mon, i'm sure i it took the photographer like 5 friggin' hours to shade our upperlips, so respect
So 13.8.06, 16:22
i had a blast though..even if this pic is slightly on the embarassing side haha
So 13.8.06, 16:07
you're like: are we through?! :-)... killertime
So 13.8.06, 16:02
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Oldschool @ Kuppel, Basel, Sa 12.8.06
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Foto 26 von 103. 978 mal angeschaut. Geschossen: So 13.8.06, 00:06. Fotograf: bubu
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