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Autor Beitrag 16 - 30
SamestianFr 19.10.07, 07:44
uhh danke
Yelina ----> auf skala von 1- 10 hmm.. 13.5
YelinaFr 19.10.07, 07:45
SLuTkiLLFr 19.10.07, 08:43
alli steamy ???
lol, ich nit
NilsBaselFr 19.10.07, 08:45
dWohrheit isch hart
SamestianFr 19.10.07, 15:45
no steamy?

das programm isch wohl hinüber arrrrr
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt Fr 19.10.07, 15:55
SportsIsPleasureFr 19.10.07, 15:54
I sags doch, Sache vom Internet chame eifach nid bruche
SLuTkiLLFr 19.10.07, 15:59
TokeeFr 19.10.07, 16:32
alfiiFr 19.10.07, 17:04
TopQ..du bisch billig..-.-..immer gege usländer..
digitalrebelFr 19.10.07, 17:14

und details stimme au sehr genau

Line of Heart
Your Line of Heart is a curved line. You are creative and sensitive. Sometimes ruled by emotions, sometimes by imagination. Sometimes you let feelings get in the way of clear thinking, and often for the better.

Girdle Of Venus
You have the line called Girdle of Venus. Few people possess your level of passion. Your desires and needs are many and strong. An artistic nature which can be very original when given freely to expression.

Shape of Fingertips
The tips of your fingers are pointed. Sometimes your dreams get in the way, and sometimes they lift you above the fray. You value physical beauty and can be overly sensitive, but seldom waste too much time over thinking situations.

Thumb Flexibility
Based on the flexibility level of your thumb you are generous and open to suggestions. Flexible and friendly, original at times but willing to cooperate with the right persons. Open to experimentation and exploration.

Highest Mound
Your highest mound is on the base if your thumb. A people person. Outgoing and going out. Likes to laugh and party. Appreciates good food, good friends, and good drink.
UrichFr 19.10.07, 17:22
en sichere 9ner
TabaccoMi 4.6.08, 20:42
oh, wär hets dänkt. ich bi au steamy (9,5)! ...was das au immer heisst?!

ich ha immer gwüsst, dassi e geile siech bi!
ArkinaMi 4.6.08, 20:49
ich bruch kei test zum wüsse das ich sexy bi
TabaccoMi 4.6.08, 20:53
ich ha halt bestätigung brucht.
zaggiMi 4.6.08, 20:54

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