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Autor Beitrag 31 - 45
Bboy89Mo 14.1.08, 15:14
It's hard when they dont understand me! Haha
YelinaMo 14.1.08, 15:15
I though a lot of swiss girls speak english?! Not?
Bboy89Mo 14.1.08, 15:15
another question! Is there anywhere around Basel i can get a job? I am trying to learn german, but i dont know enough to work anywhere...

I work at roche now, but only for 1 more month, then i need another job!
Bboy89Mo 14.1.08, 15:20
Haha, ok thanks for help! I will go kuppel with grass Peace!
TwitchyMo 14.1.08, 15:24
Well... If you're really inside Roche now, it shouldn't be no problem to stay there...

And DON'T TRY TO TELL ME, that there aren't any nice english speaking girls and women... if you're fed up with the Swiss
KlerikerMo 14.1.08, 15:26
Swiss girls are boring, in every country on world the girls are nice,beautiful and easier. everytime when i come back to switzerland i see all this ugly, fat girls. I was in many countrys but only in switzerland the girls are so shit.... its sad but its true
Bboy89Mo 14.1.08, 15:29
haha, nice! that made me laugh!
CarlAlexisMo 14.1.08, 15:30
*you can get it if you really want......* lalalala

go on boy!
YelinaMo 14.1.08, 15:41
Kleriker, in Switzerland are some anorexic girls too, if this is your preferd weight.
ArkinaMo 14.1.08, 15:46
And Kleriker himself is so sexy.... yeah grrrrrrrrrrr
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt Mo 14.1.08, 15:51
BourneMo 14.1.08, 15:47
Kleriker you poor, poor boy!
I think you go to the wrong places! there are many nice women in this town! And the difference between other countries, you can get serious with them, because the most of them are not drunken!
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt Mo 14.1.08, 15:47
Bboy89Mo 14.1.08, 15:56
Ja i havnt meant any mean girls... they are nice, i just think im too shy maybe!
rutschläMo 14.1.08, 16:01

take this girl, she's great!!
Bboy89Mo 14.1.08, 16:03
Haha... i liked her... but then a friend took her!
rutschläMo 14.1.08, 16:19
hard luck

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