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Arcan4Mo 9.5.11, 23:38
Es würd au miteme Viruellem Laufwerk go
solangs nur update duesch, denn blibts programm druf
ich ha z.b. Virtual CD, es isch dr Hammer xD

usserdem kasch du nit vo XP us uf Windows 7 Update, du muesch e sicherheitsdatei erstelle, und denne muesch ganzi Festplatte Formatiere, aber das got jio nit will du jio das Virtuelle Laufwerk bruchsch.

Dorum würd ich Vista abelade, und installiere...
und denn kasch vo Vista uf Windows 7 update
StefanRaabDi 10.5.11, 12:40
für da bruchsch a ber kei virtuels laufwerk sondern e entpackti CD Setup.exe aklicke und guet isch. Aber es Upgrade isch sowas vo unschlau, do nimsch dini vire und alles grad schön mit, do chasch au grad bim jetztige blibe
Arcan4Mi 11.5.11, 01:18
denn muesch halt luege das keini Vire druf hesch xD
ThebambamMi 11.5.11, 16:04
Naja statt flame so gohts

USB Stick bootable:
This operation assumes your machine can boot from a USB enabled device. Check your BIOS to make sure. You also MUST have a DVD copy of Vista to install the source files from the DVD to a USB flash drive:
1. Insert your USB flash drive and enter the following commands:
(please note this list assumes that your USB flash drive will be seen as disk 1. To confirm that it is type "list disk" after you've entered the DISKPART command) Otherwise you may wipe a different drive (such as your hard disk drive!)

EDIT: das muesch im cmd mache
2. Type:

select disk 1
create partition primary
select partition 1
format fs=fat32
At this point your USB drive is formatted. DO NOT format the drive from within Windows. You MUST have a DVD copy of Vista to copy the source files from.

The final preparation step is to copy the installation files to your flash drive, this can be done by running the following command:
(Please note D: is the drive letter for the source files and E: is the drive letter for your flash drive, if they are different on your system you need to change them accordingly).
Exit DISKPART. Type:

xcopy d:\*.* /s/e/f e:\
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt Mi 11.5.11, 16:10
StefanRaabMi 11.5.11, 17:56
statt do irgendwelchi billige aleitige z kopiere würdsch du gschider mol läse -.-
sin stick bootet an x anderne rächner, nur nid am Netbook. Es ligt also nid dra das er nid bootbar isch.

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